Saturday, January 20, 2018

The thaw...

Schneeman bird...Punch needle Red Birds by Lori Rippey

Uncle...there, I've said it. I've had it with cold. The outfits I've donned in an effort to stay warm are, alone, sufficient evidence of "cabin fever". I've run the heat more in this one month than in the last two decades we've lived here. It has even run at night...we never turn the heat on at night! 

For those of you suffering through wicked low temps, I don't know how you do it. I guess I've been down here so long I have forgotten what real cold feels like. Bear in mind, Florida homes are, for the most part, built with cinder blocks...with no insulation. That's right...they slap the drywall on wood strips right on top of the blocks. Plus, my wood floors are right on top of the cement slab. That's why it takes days for my house to warm up.That's why the damp cold is bone chilling. That's why we've been wearing hats inside for three weeks.

But...the end is in sight. Going up to the 60's and 70's this coming week. No more frost on the roof! No more hats, two pairs of socks and three sweaters. I will, however, continue to don a wool shawl over my jammies...and sip lots of tea...that's the part I like.

Hope you all are staying warm...and healthy. I'm worried about the flu this year. A nice fellow in Whole Foods last weekend coughed all over me. I actually held my nose and covered my mouth right in front of him. I got away from him and his infected cereal aisle as fast as possible. If I go down, Annie will soon follow...and vice versa. We always share. 

Loving all the red!

Stay safe...stay warm...stay healthy, my friends. 

Enjoy the day,


  1. It's been fridged here in Wisconsin and my old (built in 1860) stone Cooperage can only keep the cold out so long. Long underwear, PJ's, down robe, fingerless mittens wool scarf, wool tam, baking scones or bread everyday just to put the oven on and pots of tea, honey, lemon, and a touch of Jameson!

  2. Loving all of your red Robyn! Hope the temps warm up for you soon. I know you are not use to the cold. We are not use to the minus zero degree weather here either. It will now warm up and we will be on the lookout for flooding. Take care of you and Annie. Janice

  3. I'm also scared of the flu this season and I've had the shot. Still not safe.

    I'd take your cinder blocks with Florida temperatures anytime compared to the below freezing temps in Delaware with wind blowing thru the insulated plywood walls walls.

  4. So happy to hear you are warming up! It was much chillier in Jacksonville than I had hoped for, so spent all my time inside hooking :)
    Lovely displays as always.
    I'm hoping to avoid the flu, too.
    Hugs :)

  5. Hi Robyn,
    I can so relate, my friend!! We have been chilly here too, and when Jeff and I go on our early morning walk, we both look like robbers with masks on!! It warms up in the afternoon, but then gets cold again!! Guess I've lived out west too long and can't stand the cold anymore!! LOVE all the wonderful RED in your sweet groupings!!! Take care and all of you stay healthy!!!
    Heart Hugs~

  6. I have been to Florida when they got a frost. the difference I think is it is a damp cold where we are bone dry. So we do not have the dampness you have.Our skin dries out to dust 24 hours in Florida and I can feel my skin again. Of course we are better prepared for it house and clothes but we have been colder for longer stretches than I have seen in many years and then this weekend was crazy warm for us 45 on Sunday. Who knows how to dress?

  7. It's definitely a problem when you live somewhere where the houses aren't built for the cold and it's cold. Brrrr! I was not happy with the freezing cold temps we were having earlier this year. Too too cold! Knock on wood we won't get that cold again! I hear you on the flu -- I'm worried about it too. Yesterday I heard that the flu shot was 35% effective, not the 10% I'd heard before. So that's somewhat better at least! Sigh. Here's hoping we all keep warm and healthy!

  8. Love the warm and lovely red birds.
    And I thought I was the only one who held my breath in public around coughing and sneezing people !!

  9. I know this winter has been a difficult one, no matter were we live. It has been brutally cold here and all our water pipes in the barn froze except in the milk-house and milking parlor, making life very difficult in feeding my calves as hot and cold water had to be carried to the other end of the barn.

    Take heart, spring is getting closer one day at a time.

    I did not get my flu shot this year and I got a cold that lasted over a month and left me totally tired. I'm just starting to feel myself again.

    I love all the red too.
    Hugs, Julia

  10. I’m sending you two cyber mugs of hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows and maybe a little cyber Airborne for good measure. Hang in there. Spring will be there before you know it. 😉

  11. Hi Robyn
    It has been ages for me to visit...I feel the cold more as 'my years' go by lol And we live in cold Wisconsin....I guess I didn't realize the construction down there.
    Well, it is March now and I hope by now you have warmed up and escaped the flu!....that young man should not have been working around food if he was sick.
    Hope all is well otherwise.
