Thursday, November 24, 2011

Newbie here

The turkey has been eaten, the dishes are done and I have just started a blog. It is something I have wanted to do for some time and I guess all that tryptophan gave me the courage to go for it.

I enjoy reading so many of the great blogs out there, and decided to get in on the fun. I am just learning all this fancy it will be slow going for awhile.

Hope everyone had a lovely day.

More later,


  1. Hi Robyn!! congrats on your new blog, and welcome to blogland! if you need any help, just holler :) I'll add your blog to my blogroll...hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

  2. WELCOME TO BLOGLAND ROBYN!!! I am sure that you will have loads of fun!!! Congrats...your blog looks GREAT!!! Tina

  3. Well Robyn, welcome to the blog world! You are gonna love it here..and guess what? You are a milestone follower for me and I would like to say thanks to you!

    I'm an odd duck and I don't do giveaways in a traditional sense. I just get a notion and send some people stuff sometimes.
    So I would like to send you something, don't know what yet, since I just saw you were my 500th send me your address and pretty shortly something will arrive from me to you. OK? <3


    and I'm not a crazy stalker lol you can check me out :D
