The stockings are our kitchen window for the month of December. These early knitted "candy cane" stockings have aged to a soft red and warm ecru. The small black and red socks are early as well.

This sweet "Santa & Tree" is the work of the very talented Angela Hillstrom of Of Cloth and Hand. He is wearing black britches and his red coat is an old striped fabric. Can you see his wonderful socks? His wee socks are red and white striped!
Another pair of early socks join Santa, a few vintage fir trees and antique red mittens atop a stack of early painted pantry boxes. Santa is very interested in all the goings on here at the sink!
This lovely red cardinal is also the work of Angela. Like Santa, he is all hand sewn from early fabric. He's nestled in a wreath for the month...a great vantage point for Christmas cookie baking!
And, of course, my two loves...long ago in Williamsburg.
I really had fun putting this window together this month. I love black and red teenage bedroom was black and red and I still love it all these many years later. I was thrilled when I spied Angela's Santa with his black pants...and especially his striped socks. He was my inspiration!
Red and black...stockings and mittens...trees and greens...some of my favorite things in my kitchen window this month.
And so the countdown begins!
Enjoy the day,
You can visit Angela Hillstrom's website here to see more of her wonderful creations. Thank you, Angela for your talent...and your friendship.
p.s. My email is down...I can receive but I'm unable to reply or send. I hope to get it working over the weekend. If you're waiting on me, I'll get back to you asap.