Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy President's Day!

It's been a long while since I've posted...or visited. does keep us busy. Hope this President's Day finds you all well and stitching, hooking or punching something fun. I have been working on a few things...already thinking Autumn here at the House of Mugwump.

We made a trip to Tallahassee last month and found a state park that we had not visited before on our many trips to our capital city. Maclay Gardens was the"springtime" home of the Maclay family. Mr. Maclay was a fan of camellias and developed many new types of these gorgeous flowers.

They were a bit beyond their prime...but so beautiful...

and so large! All types and was a feast for the the middle of January.

The house is a perfect house. Painted salmon with green shutters and door, as stipulated by the owner when donated to the state. It's lovely.

The surrounding grounds are lovely, as well. We are always pleased when we find an accessible park. Many places have conformed to this law, but in state and national parks it's tricky. Some of the park is law...but not all of it. Annie loves when we are all outside together. We have a flower press and collected a few camellias off the ground to press...unfortunately, they didn't make it home. Next time we will pack our press for the trip!

Love this bronze peacock!

That's a beautiful lake in the background.

We always enjoy getting out in nature and the weather was gorgeous. That's a live oak with the famous Southern adornment "Spanish Moss". You see this moss all over Florida and much of the South. It is sometimes referred to as the "beard of the conquistadors"... the early explorers of the state. It is very invasive when it grows in a tree and is not really good for the tree, but it is something many people find charming.

Hope you all are enjoying some nice weather. Our front yard was covered with robins a few days ago. Actually, our entire street was covered with robins. Annie and I had so much fun watching them dart about and even enjoy a shower under our neighbor's sprinkler. Love robins!

Hope to be back in the loop soon. 

Enjoy the day,